
歌詞を知ったら…。(2) [洋楽]

Today, I'll write about rock lyrics, too.
I sometimes cannot understand what they are singing about.
STONE COLD CRAZY by Queen was one of the songs I could hardly understand.
What in the world does STONE COLD mean?
I had asked those who might answer the question.
But no one could answer the question. Even English native speakers didn't, except him.
Peter is a NOVA teacher whom I've been taught by for more than ten years.
He is so friendly that I like him at once.
He also is a rock fan, so we often talked about rock music.
It's nice of him to send me American music magazine which he had already read.
And said "Brush up your English reading skill with this, don't hesitate to ask me questions."
I convinced that he was the only man who could tell me the meaning.
His answer was that, "Stone is cold of course, not hot. So stone cold means very. Stone cold crazy is very crazy."
"A-ha! I got it!"
Unfortunately, I don't see him after NOVA closed.

The next lyric is FLY BY NIGHT by Rush.
At first, I thought this is a romantic song. Flying in the night must be beautiful scene.
But the meaning fly-by-night is to escape secretly before the sunrise.
It isn't romantic at all!
It's totally opposite.

There is the song I still don't understand the meaning.
I know English native speakers call his lover sweet or honey.
But the title doesn't make sense.
Is there anyone who can tell me the meaning?

今日も歌詞について書きます。時々何を歌っているのか意味が分からない事があります。クィーンのStone Cold Crazyもそんな曲の一つでした。stone coldって、いったい何?答えてくれそうな人に聞いてみたけど、ネイティヴでも分からないって。ただ一人を除いてね。その一人は、NOVAで10年以上も教わっているピーター。人懐っこいアメリカ人ですぐにお気に入りの先生になりました。彼もロック好き。よくロックの話をしました。嬉しい事に、読み終えたアメリカの音楽雑誌をくれて「これ読んで英語のリーディング力を磨きなさい。何でも聞いて良いから。」私は彼こそ私の疑問に答えてくれると確信しました。「石が冷たいのは当たり前。だから凄くという意味だよ。」「あぁ!納得!」残念な事にNOVAが閉鎖されてからピーターとは会えなくなりました。 次の曲はラッシュのFly By NIght 。最初夜間飛行なんてロマンチック、と思っていました。でも夜逃げって意味なんだって。ちっともロマンチックじゃないじゃん!正反対じゃん! いまだに分からない曲があります。デフ・レパードのPour Some Sugar On Me。外国人は愛する人を甘い物に例えて呼ぶらしいけど、これは意味不明。誰か知りませんかね?

タグ:洋楽 英語 歌詞
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Sugar is used to mean "sweet words, flattery, something romantic," so the words POUR SOME SUGAR ON ME means "Give me some sweet, romantic words like I love you; You're everything; I can't live without you; You drive me crazy; I can't take my eyes off of you, et cetra et cetra, to cheer me up." Does this interpretation make sense in the context of the song?
by みー (2008-03-21 17:22) 


>To Mipoko
Yes! Your interpretation makes sense. I really appreciate you! Your answer solved my big problem. I finally got it.
by 親知らず (2008-03-21 21:14) 



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